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Telephone system relocations

Found a new office space and need to move your phone system? We can pack up your existing telephone system and re-install it in your new office space. We have been moving customers all over New Jersey into business parks near every major highway. We'll be sure to carefully test the equipment before the move and make sure everything is working correctly once your move is complete.

  1. Phone company coordination: We can work with your carrier to move your phone service to your new location. Our customers keep their phone numbers too.
  2. Planning: We'll assist in picking the right location or closet for the phone sytem and computer network equipment. We can make sure there is adequate ventilation and electricity so there are no surprises or outages.
  3. Expansion and Capacity: We can do a system inventory beforehand to make sure you have adequate extension capability, and if not, we can offer to expand or upgrade your system during the relocation for a smooth transistion.
  4. Phone and Data wiring: Maybe your new office is fully wired or partially wired. We can add jacks for computer, printer, wifi or telephone where needed ahead of your move so everyone is connected.
  5. Cost effective: We can work with you to get the project complete on time saving you any hassle.

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